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Light weight plastic replica of Uluru to help appreciate well known sights that are "out of reach"  for those who see with their fingers.  Great for general knowledge but they could also easily be turned into a decorative tactile wall hanging.

Made from white HIPS 0.5mm plastic.  

LOA 270mm (approximately 1:11,000 scale) 


  • I'm calling for expressions of interest to decide where to focus my model building. As you can see I've made a start on iconic Australian landforms and plan to work on creating well known facards, either specific (Sydney Harbour Bridge) or generic (cathedral window), in a relief format that is much easier to interpret than a Piaf diagram.  I'm inspired by a friend who said he'd "waited 60 years to see this", when he got his hands on my Uluru prototype. So send an email and let me know what is on your wish list. 

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