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Match 10

  • A new touch and match game with a wide range of 24 textures to tailor make your own identification challenge. Place any 10 different textures in the 2x5 frame and matching can then take place using the same textures as those in the frame. To create a harder challenge, make all 24 textures available for matching. Changing the texture selection and arrangement in the frame means this matching game can be played over and over again.


    The textures have been chosen to cover a range of difficulties and enable tactile comparisons of very similar as well as very different textures. You can also explore variations on a theme of rough, smooth or soft. Extra 3mm and 4mm counter blanks have been included in the kit so you can easily make some personalised tactile pieces.


    The frame wells are 40mm square and 8mm deep, making them a handy 10s frame for other activities.

    Made from plantation Hoop pine ply, upcycled timber blinds and an assortment of textures from sandpapers and foams to pot scourers and bubble wrap.

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